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Oct 16, 2020 @ 10 a.m. EDT- Ripple Effect Mapping

02 Sep 2020 6:07 PM | Anonymous

Let's Get Digital - with Ripple Effect Mapping

When: Fri, October 16, 2020 10:00 AM, EDT
Where: Video conference link will be shared with registrants ahead of the event

MNEA members can attend for FREE using an affiliate member code when registering.  Get the code here by logging into the MNEA member page.


Ripple Effect Mapping (REM) is an evaluation method designed to assess the intended and unintended impacts of community-engaged programs and initiatives. In other words, it allows us to better understand the effect we have in a community beyond surveys and quantitative data. REM combines the use of appreciative inquiry and mind mapping to identify how a program impacted or influenced the community it serves.

We will use an interactive format to immerse participants in a virtual REM session. Because of the high level of engagement required, we request that all participants agree to turn on both their video and audio during the participatory parts of the virtual session.

Sarah Goletz, MPH is the Associate Director of Evaluation at the Indiana Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Network office at the Indiana University School of Medicine.  Her background includes working with underserved communities and refugee populations to improve health outcomes. She has prior research experience in xeno-transplantation and the educational attainment of rural and disadvantaged populations.

Jennifer Taylor, DHEd, MPH is the Executive Director of the Indiana AHEC Network and an Assistant Professor of Family Medicine in the Department of Family Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Her background includes over a decade of experience working on a variety of health-related topics including health workforce development, program evaluation, workplace wellness, interprofessional education, behavioral health, and primary prevention.


After the workshop, please stay on the Zoom call to network and meet other IEA members. We will utilize breakout rooms to keep groups smaller and conversations flowing. 

Best regards,

Indiana Evaluation Association



AEA affiliate 
since 2004

Minnesota Evaluation Association

P.O. Box 581114,

Minneapolis, MN 55458



Twitter: @mnevaluation

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