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Book: Performance Measurement for Managing Local Government

04 May 2020 4:29 PM | Anonymous

The stakes have never been higher for effective, efficiently run local governments.

We want to help.

While evaluating performance management—the use of performance information for management purposes—managers and analysts sometimes skip too quickly through the intricacies of good performance measurement.

That's where Performance Measurement for Managing Local Government comes in. It answers the persistent questions that confront everyone who has ever tried to design measures, evaluate measures, or make measures the management tools they are supposed to be. This book guides you toward proper design of measures, illustrates common errors and ways to avoid them, offers tips, and even provides sets of suitable measures on which to build.

In other words—before tackling performance management, read this book first.

Please consult the attached flyer for more detailed information, including testimonials and full contents.

About the Author: David N. Ammons is Professor of Public Administration and Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a nationally-recognized expert on performance measurement, benchmarking, performance management, and productivity improvement in local government. He has served on the National Performance Management Advisory Commission and the North Carolina Governor’s Advisory Committee on Performance Management.

To Purchase: Performance Measurement for Managing Local Government is available for purchase from Amazon in paperback and as an eBook.

For information of discounts on bulk sales of five or more copies, please contact the publisher, Harry Briggs, directly at

Local Elected Officials

PS: You may also be interested in Local Elected Officials: Guardians of Good Governance, a practical handbook for both local elected officials and those who work with them in state and local government administration.



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