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Deadline extended to May 7: Nominations for the AEA Board of Directors

15 Apr 2020 2:43 PM | Anonymous

Call for Nominations for the AEA Board of Directors

Deadline: Friday, May 7, 2020

Show your commitment to the value of the American Evaluation Association and help to shape its future! You may nominate yourself or a committed AEA colleague. This year we will elect three Board Members-at-large and a President-Elect. Nominating candidates for office is a valuable service to the Association and your thoughtful participation in this process is greatly appreciated.

Board Members

Any AEA member (international as well as national) may serve on the AEA Board. The Board Members serve three-year terms, beginning January 1, 2021 and attend three-four in-person Board meetings a year. Each board member serves the board through attendance at Board meetings, active participation in the work of the Board, ongoing email communications, liaising with Board Task Forces, and other Board-focused volunteer groups as assigned. The Board follows the Policy Governance governing system. 




AEA affiliate 
since 2004

Minnesota Evaluation Association

P.O. Box 581114,

Minneapolis, MN 55458



Twitter: @mnevaluation

MNEA is a 501(c)6 organization 

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