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April 17 @ 1 pm: Virtual Presentation on the book: Scaling Impact (Free for MNEA Members)

29 Mar 2020 11:11 AM | Anonymous

The Indiana Evaluation Association (IEA) is excited to be hosting John Gargani and Robert McLean for a virtual presentation on their new book Scaling Impact: Innovation for the Public Good. The webinar will be April 17th from 1:00-3:00 pm CST (2:00-4:00 pm eastern time). 

IEA is offering free registration MNEA members!  Thank you! Register under "Affiliate" at:  Log-in to the MNEA website HERE  and access the event promo code by selecting Members Discounts and Promo Codes. 

Inspired by research on scientific and entrepreneurial innovators across Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East, the book presents a different perspective on how to achieve impact that mattersThe book is organized around four research-based scaling principles—justification, optimal scale, coordination, and dynamic evaluation—and culminates in five case studies. 

John and Robert will go beyond their published work, unpacking what they call dynamic evaluation. One aspect of dynamic evaluation is a new systems model that helps evaluators identify what they should assess when evaluating efforts to scale impact. They will discuss how the systems model complements traditional tools, like logic models and theories of change. And they will connect their work to two recent publications—Feinstein’s (2019) paper suggesting that dynamic evaluation be used to support transformative change, and Patton’s (2018) framework for Principles-Focused Evaluation.



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