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May 15, 2019: Cognitive Interviewing: It WILL Improve Your Questionnaire

02 May 2019 9:11 AM | Anonymous

TCRG Brown Bag Speaker Series on Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 12:00 to 1:00 PM

Topic: Cognitive Interviewing: It WILL Improve Your Questionnaire.

Cognitive interviewing is one of the qualitative tools methodologists use to combat measurement error in questionnaire design.  This presentation will review the psychological response mechanism respondents use when completing a questionnaire, review some commonly used approaches to cognitive interviewing in questionnaire design, and give some examples of how survey instruments have been improved through the use of cognitive interviewing. 

Featured Presenter: Rob Daves is owner and principal of Daves & Associates Research. He is a Fellow and Past President of Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research.

Where: Wilder Foundation
451 Lexington Parkway, Saint Paul, MN 55104 
On the 
MetroTransit Green Line: Lexington Station

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