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Apply for AEA Volunteer Opportunities

08 Mar 2021 3:41 PM | Anonymous

AEA is excited to invite applications for various upcoming volunteer opportunities as we progress through 2021. AEA values broad-based member input and engagement, relying upon your guidance and knowledge about the field to develop policies, programs, events, and other activities to guide the association’s efforts. AEA Executive Director Anisha Lewis will select members for these Working Groups with an eye toward diversity, service to AEA, and overall expertise.

The following Working Group will commence their work in early 2021. AEA members interested in participating in this Working Group must submit their applications here no later than Monday, March 8, 2021.


Professional Development Working Group

Charge: To provide suggestions and input to the AEA staff team on the professional development offerings through AEA including eStudies, Coffee Breaks, and PD Workshops at the annual conference.

The ideal candidate should:

·      Have a high (Senior, executive, well-versed) level of expertise 

·      Be able to commit to monthly calls 

·      Committed to improving the quality and diversification of AEA education for the enhancement of the association and its members


AEA and the Leadership Team are committed to cultivating and broadening diversity in the governance of the association. As stated in the AEA bylaws, "It is the policy of the American Evaluation Association to actively seek diversity across the Board and all committees, task forces, and other advisory groups, and individuals." Particular attention is paid to adequate representation and balance according to the following criteria:

·      Gender (including nondiscrimination based on sexual representation and orientation or gender identity) 

·      Racial/Ethnic representation 

·      Disciplinary heterogeneity 

·      Practitioner/Academic balance 

·      Geographic heterogeneity 

·      International representation and perspectives 

·      Heterogeneity of areas of application 

·      Tenure heterogeneity 

In order to apply for an upcoming volunteer opportunity, click here and select the volunteer groups of interest from the drop down lists. 

Important: If you are interested in the above early 2021 volunteer opportunity, please be sure to rank it first based on your interest and speak specifically to how you might contribute to the group(s) in your statement of interest. 

To learn more about AEA’s volunteer groups, please visit our AEA Volunteer Opportunities page

If you have any questions, please contact Mike Zapata at or 202-367-1166. ‌ 



AEA affiliate 
since 2004

Minnesota Evaluation Association

P.O. Box 581114,

Minneapolis, MN 55458



Twitter: @mnevaluation

MNEA is a 501(c)6 organization 

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